Legal Matters and Statement



At the end of 1989 as a result of an accident on Old Coach Way, a severe head injury effectively caused a period of enforced inactivity. During this period, executives of the Swanson Group chose to conduct business for their own advantage. The upshot being that upon regaining the Chair of the Operations of P. Swanson & Associates, it was realized that during the absence the operations had deteriorated to a point wherein income streams were substantially reduced. This resulted in a Bankruptcy with the prime parties to whom the funds were owed, being Swanson family members. In 1993 I was discharged from bankruptcy by the Supreme Court without objection.


Vanuatu - Incident

Following my return in June 1996 to the Republic of Vanuatu after having carried out certain instructions of the former Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and the Cabinet (as a Special Representative Diplomat) I was arrested and charged by the new Government's representatives and authorities in relation to a transaction which was then seen as being against the Republic's new direction and interest.

I was tried and convicted without having the opportunity of declaring what had actually occurred, the parties involved and / or the directions received as a result of being bound under the Official Secrets Act of the Republic. It was pointed out by the then new Prime Minister that if I broke the Official Secrets Act and revealed any information whatsoever in my defense, I would be imprisoned for a minimum period of six years under a Cabinet direction (Letter from Prime Minister). I am still bound under the Official Secrets Act and am not at liberty to make public information, documentation and / or materials, directives and / or instructions in relation to the country and the activities in which I was involved.

In 1998, following a full and closed Presidential Inquiry in relation to all matters, I was released, returning to Australia. Accordingly, I received a remission of sentence, with a full Presidential Pardon and apology. The Pardon was formally Gazetted by the Republic in February 2004, exonerating me of any wrong doing what so ever. Currently the Republic has outstanding sums in excess of US$8.5 Million being made up of monies owed for services rendered, compensation & damages for the period I was held, yet to be paid to me.


General Matters

Over the years I have received my share of parking infringements, motor vehicle fines as is normal in today's society. National Police Certificate


Dated and signed this 1st day May, 2004